Junior Infants

Junior Infants A (Ms Lucas)


The Puppet Theatre

This month we have been learning about the puppet theatre. We learned about the jobs of ushers and puppeteers. We took turned going into role as ushers, puppeteers and audience members. We had lots of fun creating funny stories with the puppets! 


The Vet

This month we learned about the vet. We discovered that veterinary nurses and doctors use lots of the same equipment as regular hospitals, such as x-rays! We took great care of all of the sick animals in the vet this month!

Andy Goldsworthy

We learned about the artist Andy Goldsworthy. He creates sculptures and art using natural materials found in nature. He created our own artwork inspired by him!

Seachtain na Gaeilge

We had lots of fun during Seachtain na Gaeilge, speaking Gaeilge throughout the day and participating in games and activities! We dressed in green clothing on Friday to celebrate the end of the week.


The African Market

The children are learning about Africa this month. The children listened to the story Handa's surprise and learned about animals that are found in Africa. The children have also been exploring music that comes from Africa, as they learned the song 'Che Che Koolay' which is a song from Ghana. 

You can see what we have been exploring during our free play time in the photographs below!


During the month of February, the children are learning about capacity. They have freely explored this topic using water and a variety of containers with varying capacities. 

The children have also been focusing number formation, as they were finding writing the numbers tricky! We have been playing lots of games to help them to learn the correct formation. 

Fruit and Vegetables

The children are learning about fruit and vegetables. They worked together as teams to sort fruit and vegetables through a cut and stick activity! The children also created prints using a variety of fruit and vegetables!



The boys and girls have begun learning their letter sounds! Each week, they are learning 2 sounds and their letter names. We have already started decoding and blending words using the letters that we have learned so far! 

The Hospital

The children are learning about the hospital in January. So far, they have loved learning new vocabulary based on the topic including the words 'cast' and 'sling'. They have been doing lots of had work going into role as paramedics, doctors, nurses and patients in our role play area! 


Santa's Workshop

This month the children are learning about Santa's workshop. We have created a vocabulary tree in our classroom with all of the Christmas/winter vocabulary that we have come across when reading books and completing other activities. We are enjoying using this vocabulary during our free play time!


The Farm

During the month of November the children will be learning about the farm. So far, we have engaged with lots of different activities and stories! We use all of the vocabulary and knowledge that we have learned during our playtime. We have enjoyed washing the farm animals at the water play area and constructing stables for the horses! 

Science Week

This week it is Science week! The children have been engaging in some STEAM challenges and science experiments. The children created a rainbow using skittles and hot water. They also explored how soap repels germs through an experiment using soap, water and pepper. You can see photographs from these two experiments below!


Maths Week

This week it is Maths week! We are learning about 2D shapes this month, and for maths week our class created animal tangrams! We loved using the squares, rectangles and triangles to create some incredible animals!

We also created squares, triangles and rectangles using our play-doh to attach the small sticks together to create these 2D shapes!


This week we explored the story 'The Dot'. It is about how we can create incredible art from something as simple as a dot! We took inspiration from the story and created our own dot and circle-filled artwork through printing!


This month we are learning about our families and our homes. During free play, we explore lots of different play areas to use all of the vocabulary that we have learned so far! You can see what we have gotten up to below!



We explored creating temporary art using vinegar and bicarbonate of soda. When we mixed them together there was a chemical reaction that created bubbles! We had lots of fun mixing the colours!


This month the children have been learning all about space! We have explored our theme during our free play time each day! Have a look at the pictures below to see all of the fun we have been having!


We have been learning about patterns. We have created patterns with two colours and we have also created patterns with two different shapes!

Junior Infants B (Ms Maguire)


This month our theme is 'the Hospital'. We are learning all the vocabulary and having a great time during Free Play pretending to be doctors, nurses and patients also!


December's theme is Christmas and Santa's Workshop. The children are busy pretending to make toys and learning all about Arctic animals too!


In November we were learning all about 'The Farm'. The children enjoyed learning about all the different farm animals and playing with the tractors, farm house and all the animals during Free play. Many different farm buildings such as barns, farm houses, stables etc. were also constructed. Look at all the animals we cut coloured and cut out! We had so much fun! 


Welcome to our class! Meet all the boys and girls.

Our theme this month is myself and my family. During our free play we are building houses, going into role as families and having lots of fun! You can see what we have been getting up to below!
