6th Class

Welcome to 6th Class 2023/2024

Well Done to Our Amazing Students for Running 5K for Charity!

We are incredibly proud of our students in 3rd-6th class who participated in the 5K charity run in Marlay Park again this year and raised an incredible €6,000 for Make-A-Wish Ireland. Your dedication, energy, and enthusiasm were truly inspiring!

Running a 5K is no small feat, and doing it to support a charitable cause makes your achievement even more special. Your commitment to helping others and giving back to the community exemplifies the values we uphold at our school.

A heartfelt congratulations to each and every one of you for your hard work and perseverance. Your efforts have made a significant impact, and you should all feel very proud of what you have accomplished.

Thank you to the teachers, parents, and volunteers who supported and cheered on our runners. Your encouragement and assistance were invaluable.

Together, we have shown that when we put our hearts and minds into something, we can achieve great things and make a difference in the world.

Well done, everyone!

Historian in School

5th Class were very lucky to have Aidan the historian in school today. Aidan brought some fantastic artefacts into the school for us to see. We discussed and learnt facts about the World War 1 and the 1916 Rising. It was great to see all the fantastic artefacts and to listen to all the interesting questions the students had.

The Normans

We have been learning about the Norman Invasion of Ireland for the month of April. As part of our learning we designed and created a Norman motte and bailey. A motte and bailey were the Norman castles, mounds, villages that were protected by fences and moats. It took us many hours to create but we worked well as a team and it was very enjoyable.


Bhí an-craic againn i gcomhair seachtain na gaeilge. Brú ar an cnap seo chun léigh na rudaí a rinneamar!

Art - Chalk

In history we have been learning about the Irish Famine. As part of our learning we have been focusing on the workhouses. We studied illustrations of workhouses that were drawn around the time of The Great Famine and wondered: 

After our discussion we focused on using chalk to sketch a workhouse. We blended our corners together and ensured that their was strength at certain parts of the illustration. 

Chinese New Year

Children in fifth class have been learning all about China and the Chinese New Year. 

Children discovered fun facts about China and created a China Wall and also created Chinese lanterns to celebrate the New Year. 

This year the Rabbit is the symbol of the Chinese New Year. Happy New Year to all our friends celebrating!

Wellness Week

As part of wellness week 5th class attended a wellbeing workshop with Ena Morley. 

We went through some magnificent movements, releasing any stress in our body and opening up and stretching out our bodies. We felt refreshed and energised after our session. 

Amazing Inventions 

This month we have been exploring inventors and inventions. Mr. Hickey divided the class into groups and into set them challenges.  For each challenge, the children could only use the available material in an inventive way to create their object or a scaled-down version of it!

Some ideas for challenges might include inventing: 

Each group had to present their product to the rest of the class. We had great fun 'selling' our products!

Mí na Meithimh

Fourth Class had a fantastic day out to the National Aquatic Centre on the 14th of June.  They enjoyed the lazy-river, slides, and wave pool. Active School Week was also a great success and it ended with a super sports day up in Fernhill on the 2nd of June.  They had the opportunity to participate in a number of stations, relays, a novelty sack race and sprints.

Fourth Class have continued to work hard in the final term of school and everyone is looking forward to the summer holidays.  The children have illustrated some of their images and hopes for summer in their art-work!


Marvellous March

Fourth Class have been working very hard, we finished our novel, explored what was magnetic and non-magnetic in the classroom and yard, "bottled feelings" in art, studied more Kenn Nesbith poetry and got to grips with adding and subtracting hours and minutes.  Fourth Class had the pleasure of being in the audience for the transition year production of Annie at Rosemont School.  The boys and girls really enjoyed the day out and even had a sing along on the short but sweet bus journey!

On the 15th of March, the class went on a shades of green walk in which they sought out and counted different shades of green in the local environment.  We found moss along the wall on the Enniskerry Road.  Fernhill itself was bursting with spring shades of green, from the green of the laurel shrub, to clover, fern, dandelion and cleaver (sticky-back) to name but a few.   The next day the class utilised what they had observed in the local environment to create paintings that highlighted the different tones of green.  The children added white, black and yellow to create lighter, darker and brighter shades.

Bhí seachtain na Gaeilge ag an scoil i rith na míosa seo. Bhí ceachtanna taitneamhacha ag na páistí le neart cluichí teanga agus caint is ag comhrá.  Bhí na ceachtanna bunaithe ar “Éadaí”.  Caithfidh mé a rá, is léir domsa mar mhúinteoir go bhfuil siad ag baint taitnimh as an teanga!

ESB Science Blast What happens when you try something other than soap? The pupils did a fantastic job when they presented their experiment about cleaning dirty money to the ESB Science Blast Team when they visited! 

Fáilte romhaibh go leathanach rang 4!  Fourth Class have been very busy since returning to school after the Christmas Holidays…


The boys and girls have been reading their novel, learning about the persuasive writing genre, and writing persuasive texts of their own, they even had a class debate on the topic of “Pineapple does not belong on pizza”. They have been responding to the Poetry of Kenn Nesbith ‘My Family is Fond of Gadgets’, ‘My Cat knows Karate’ and ‘My Hippo Has the Hiccups’, and making shape poems inspired by the work of Kathryn Apel ‘Big Blue Whale’ and ‘Guinea Pig’.


Since the turn of the new year, Fourth Class have been working hard at their tables, explored lots of forms of short division, had their first taste of long multiplication and are now exploring the ins and outs of measurement (length).   The pupils showed excellent co-operation skills in their groups when they measured various sections of the yard with twine on Thursday the 3rd of February!

Ms Byrne 


Bhí na páistí ag foghlaim faoin aimsir i mí Eanáir.  Anuas ar sin, is féidir leo páirt a ghlacadh i gcomhráite faoin a gcuid caitheamh aimsire! Nach iontach an rud é sin! Ina theannta sin, is féidir leo caint faoin a gcuid peataí! Beimid ag foghlaim faoin Earrach i rith na míosa seo!


The boys and girls have also been learning about different modes of transport; including hot-air balloons, bikes and boats: